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Forschungsprojekt feasiPLe

Feature-getriebene, aspektorientierte und modellgetriebene Produktlinienentwicklung

Mapping Features to Models

To allow for the automatic derivation of a product instance based on a given variant configuration, a mapping between features in the problem space and their realisations in the solution space is required. It is crucial to support the developer in the complex task of defining such mappings. Hence, we developed an approach to map features to model fragments describing their realisation.

The tooling works modelling-language independent and separates the mapping information in a dedicated mapping model. These mappings can also be used to provide visualisations of the variant space that allow to reason over variability in SPLs.

Current Prototype

The prototype helps the mapping between problem and solution space by providing means for:

  • Automatical association of features to artefacts in the solution space through GEF based change tracking
  • Manual Adaptation of the Mapping
  • Highlighting of model elements which are mapped to a specific feature
  • Coloring of those model elements
  • Building more dynamic views (not only on/off)

The prototype is working for GEF-based editors in a non-invasive way.


We have also created a screencast which exemplifies our approach.

Screenshot of the Feature Mapping Plug-In
Watch the Screencast


Florian Heidenreich and Christian Wende, Bridging the Gap Between Features and Models. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Product Line Engineering (AOPLE'07) co-located with the International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'07), Salzburg, Austria, October 2007. To appear.

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