DSLs for Product-line EngineeringThe differentiation and separate specification of different aspects in the solution space of a product line is a necessary to handle their complexity. This motivates the application of domain-specific languages (DSLs), since their tailored conceptualisation reduces the semantic gap between the domain and the modelling language. Editors and Other Tools for DSLsTo support a manifold of different DSLs, stable formalisms for the definition of languages and the development of tools are needed. The abstract syntax – that is the underlying conceptualisation - is in the focus of a language definition. For that the approach of model-driven software development introduces metamodels, that provide the basis to define a modelling language. Model transformations and code generation map expressions of different DSLs to a uniform implementation language. The result is an integrated description of the complete system. The Eclipse IDE assembles a multitude of tools which support the development of DSL editors and other DSL tools:
DSLs in the Context of Product-line EngineeringBuilding on top of these technologies we identify the following challenges for the application of DSLs in the context of Product-line Engineering:
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